Thursday 21 November 2013

Safer London Projects

Safer London Foundation is a registered charity with the aim of making local communities in London a safer place with reduced levels of crime. Steps have been taken to help in London boroughs that experience higher levels of problems and crime with the young person.

A wide range of campaigns and projects are initiated to help promote a safer city and community environment, give support to the victims of crime, and take action to prevent crime. Reducing and preventing youth crime is one of the areas they are prioritising to make sure London is a much safer place to live and work. By working with young people that are likely to offend, it is possible to encourage them to make the more positive steps in their lives and choose a life-style that is crime free.

Many of the programmes are designed to create engagement activities, campaigns, and projects that are able to help with empowering the young person to take the necessary action to make positive changes in their daily life. By tackling an array of issues related to violence and crime it is possible to see significant changes in the community. 

Scotland Yard, Londres

A range of projects are constantly in play throughout the city, including the Youth Engagement, Empower Programme, and Safe and Secure – Gang Exit Programme.

Safer London Foundation has been able to work closely with the local organisations, communities, and the Met Police force to assist in the process of victim support and crime prevention. Mentoring is a further service offered to the young people involved in a crime. The idea behind the mentoring is to help the ex-offender progress into further training or education and from there progress to gainful employment in an area of their interest.  

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